Санкт - Петербург
Лыжный пер. д. 4 корп 3

Фразы со словом DAY

  • Отгул, выходной – day off. We got the day off. We’re traveling in first class.

  • Намедни, на днях – the other day. You remember me, the guy who saved your life the other day?

  • Нынче, в наши дни – these days. You never can be too careful these days.

  • Раньше, в прошлом – in those days. I’d say in those days he was a muscular actor.

  • Со дня на день – any day now. They will let us go any day now.

  • Днем – by day. By day, I was a chambermaid, and by night, I was Audrey Hepburn.

  • Изо дня в день, каждый день, постоянно – day after day / day by day. They do the same thing day after day after day. You suffer, and I see it day by day.

  • Сутками напролет, денно и нощно – day and night. You live in the airport? – Yes, day and night.

  • Времена, эпоха, дни – the days. Now come the days of the king.